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Installation Guide



Steam is an online digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation for the purpose of distributing video game related software. It is the largest PC games distribution platform similar to App Store by Apple and Google Play by Google. In order to use Steam functionality, you must have a Steam account and the Steam client:


How to activate a key in Steam


1. Once the steam client is installed and you are logged in, please click the "ADD A GAME" button in the bottom left corner to register the product key to your steam account. A pop-up window will appear:




2. Select the second option called "Activate a Product on Steam..." and follow the further instructions. Once you are in the "Product Code" window, please paste or enter the steam key you would like to activate into the field as shown in the picture below:




3. Press on the "Next>" button to validate the key. If everything is ok, Steam client will bring you to the library where you will be able to install the activated game on your PC. Once the game is installed, the big "Install" icon will be changed to "Play" as shown in the picture below:


Additional information


  • You are granted access to the game library attached to your account on multiple computers, all you have to do is to install Steam Client on a particular PC and login to your Steam account.

  • If you are experiencing problems with the Steam client or your Steam account, please check the Steam support pages:

  • If you are experiencing problems with the game, please check the support forums:​

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